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Spesies Diversity and Abudance of Nudibranchia in Tulamben Waters, Bali

Writer's picture: Masyarakat Moluska IndonesiaMasyarakat Moluska Indonesia

By: Marchel, Felicia Zahida & Ign. Pramana Yuda

Nudibranchia is the largest order of Opistobranchia which is known to have about3,000 species.Nudibranchia is a popular macro photography objectamongdivers. Although Tulamben Waters, Bali is one of popular destinationfor macrobiota’s habitat, but research on marine biota, especially nudibranchia in these waters is still very rare. This study uses two methods, which is direct observation to revealdiversity andspeciesnumber,belt transect methods to estimatedensity or abundance persamplingarea using diving techniques . Atransect line of50 m at each point of observation site was usedto evaluateabundance. This study wants to see the level of diversity, mapping various species and abundance of nudibranchia. For biodiversity, 31 species from 15 families are found, Chromodoridae, Dorididae, Elysiidae, Facelinidae, Flabellinidae, Goniodorididae, Halgerdidae, Hexabranchidae, Phyllidiidae Polyceridae, Hydatinidae, Costasiellidae, Elysiidae and Limapontiidae. Whereas the transect method found 12 species from 6 families, Chromodoridae, Facelinidae, Phyllidiidae Aglajidae,Costasiellidae,and Elysiidae. With a diversity index of 2.27 and the highest level of abundance found in Pteraeolidia ianthinaspecies with a relative abundance of 0.19%



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