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​The 6th National Seminar on Mollusc & The First International Seminar of Indonesian Mollusc

"Utilization of Biotechnology and Local Wisdom to Optimize the Conservation of Molluscan Biodiversity, Cultivation, and Post-Harvest Handling for Community Welfare"

Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia

October 17-19, 2024

Other Special Event:
The 4th MMI Congress


Prof. Julia Sigwart.png

Head of Department at the Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany. His primary research focuses on the evolution of diversity in molluscs and other marine invertebrates. He was interested in unique body forms, such as two-pedaled gastropods and conservative forms, such as chitons. Prof. Sigwart used tomography to visualize animal adaptations in three dimensions and understand the world from the perspective of other organisms.

Prof. Heike Wägele.png

Head of the Phylogenetics and Evolutionary Biology Section at the Leibniz-Zentrum für Moleculare Biodiversitätsforschung (ZFMK) in Germany. His main interest is understanding the evolutionary mechanisms that lead to the emergence of species and biodiversity globally. His research focus is on opisthobranchia, Heterobranchia, a group of animals that display a variety of unique biological phenomena. The research methods used include molecular, morphological-histological analysis, as well as behavioral and ecological studies.

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Expert on taxonomy and systematization of Crustacean Isopods and arthropod phylogeny. Previously served as Director of ZFMK and Head of the Department of Special Zoology at the University of Bonn, as well as Director of the A. Koenig Zoological Research Museum. He has special interests in phylogenetic theory, evaluation of the quality of molecular phylogenetic data, and development of rapid species identification methods. Prof. Wägele is a member of several scientific organizations such as the Alexander Koenig Society, the German Zoological Society, the Malacological Society of London, and the German Malacological Society.

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An experienced Senior Research Fellow at the St John's Island National Marine Laboratory, having started his research on the iconic giant clam in 2006. He is also a postdoctoral fellow in the Reef Ecology Laboratory in the Department of Biological Sciences, NUS. His current research interests include marine invertebrate mariculture (giant clams, sea urchins), experimental marine ecology, population genetics, and marine conservation. Mei Lin has also been an advocate for scientific communication and a championing voice for the protection of under-regarded marine invertebrates.

Prof. Dr. Fredy Leiwakabessy (1).png

Chancellor of Pattimura University and Lecturer in Biology at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pattimura University in Ambon. He is also a marine biologist who focuses on biodiversity research in the coastal waters of Ambon Island, Indonesia. His interests primarily focus on gastropods and other organisms in marine ecosystems. His research covers various aspects of ecology, such as species density, morphometric variation, and community structure. He is also interested in the impact of heavy metal pollution on marine organisms and the development of biomonitoring methods.

Prof. Laurent Seuront 1.png

Researchers from the University of Lille, CNRS, Univ. Littoral Côte d’Opale, Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences, F‐59000, Lille, France. Has expertise in ecology and aquatic sciences with an interest in multifractal analysis, thermoregulatory behavior, and the impact of climate change on marine organisms. His notable work includes studies of microplastics, thermotolerance of marine organisms, and patterns of intertidal microphytobenthos patches.

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