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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
28 Feb2 menit membaca
Menyingkap Keanekaragaman Moluska di Perairan Wabula, Surga Gastropoda dan Bivalvia
Moluska adalah kelompok hewan laut yang sering kali luput dari perhatian, padahal peran mereka dalam ekosistem pesisir begitu penting....
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
20 Mar 20241 menit membaca
Community Structure And Spatial Distribution of Mollusc in Southernt Part Of Leitimur Coastal Waters, Ambon City
By YulianaNatan,Juliaeta Adriana Bertha Mamesah, & Tiara.SanlaWattimury Mollusks serve as a vital resource for the coastal communities of...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
20 Mar 20242 menit membaca
Utilization Different Macroalgae to Enhance Growth and Survival Rate of Juvenile Abalone, Haliotis squamata
By Chrisoetanto PatrickPattirane, Aripudin,Asep Suryana, & Herlin Kawati Being a herbivorous species, abalone relies heavily on the...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
20 Mar 20242 menit membaca
Temporal Variation of Growth and Condition Index of Clams (Corbicula fluminea) in The Lahumbuti River, Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi
By Bahtiar, Muh. Ardin La Musa, Ulfi Damayanti, Muh. Fajar Purnama, & Latifa Fekri Corbicula fluminea inhabiting the Lahumbuti River...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
20 Mar 20242 menit membaca
Rediscovery of the tree snail Bulimus appressus von Martens, 1867, with Bulimus perversus tener von Martens, 1867 placed as subspecies of Amphidromus palaceus (Mousson, 1848) (Gastropoda: Camaenidae)
By Bunjamin Dharma & Irwan Wipranata Bulimus appressus von Martens, 1867 was originally described without a depiction of its shell, with...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
20 Mar 20241 menit membaca
Structure Community of Gastropods and Bivalves in Sabang Coastal
By Chitra Octavina, Muhammad Irham ,& Dwi Zhahira Feriska The coastal expanse of Sabang City boasts a rich array of mollusks,...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
9 Mei 20232 menit membaca
Study Of The Morphological and Anatomical Character Of The Genus Cyclophorusin Indonesia
By Fatimah Novianti, Felicia Zahida, Wibowo Nugroho Jati1 & Ayu Savitri Nurinsiyah Cyclophorus represents one of the genera within the...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
9 Mei 20231 menit membaca
Macrozoobenthos Diversity at Mangrove Rehabilitation Area, Tangerang Regency
By Ai Solihat, Ario Damar1 & Fery Kurniawan The Tangerang Regency has persistently engaged in the restoration of its coastal ecosystems,...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
9 Mei 20232 menit membaca
Molluscs Attached To A Rocky Substrate In The Manado Mall Reclamation Area, Bahu, Manado
By Yulianti, N. Gustaf F. Mamangkey, Indri Shelovita Manembu1, Erly Y. Kaligis, Medy Ompi1, Suzanne Lydia Undap1 & Marten Maxs The...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
9 Mei 20231 menit membaca
Differences in shell morphology of the species Rochia nilotica and Rochia maxima
By Bunjamin Dharma & Delianis Pringgenies Rochia nilotica (Linnaeus, 1767), formerly recognized as Trochus niloticus Linnaeus, 1767, is...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
9 Mei 20232 menit membaca
Species Diversity of Gastropods on Intertidal Zone Of Oma, Central Maluku
By Sara Haumahu1, Prulley A. Uneputty & Janson H. Pietersz The intertidal zone represents a diverse and dynamic environment characterized...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
1 Apr 20221 menit membaca
Stomach Contents In Relation To Shell Length, Width, and Weight in the Gastropod Trochus niloticus L
By Eddy Soekendarsi & Slamet Santosa The stomach contents of 66 individuals of Trochus niloticus were examined, revealing the presence of...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
1 Apr 20221 menit membaca
Research of Pearl Oyster Culture in Indonesia (2011-2021): A Bibliometric Analysis
By Dewi Syahidah The pearl oyster stands out as a significant mollusk species with considerable potential for development across multiple...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
1 Apr 20221 menit membaca
Gastropods Diversity at Siklotok Waterfall and Silangit Waterfall, Purworejo Regency, Central Java
By Amelia Pergiwa, Felicia Zahida, A. Wibowo Nugroho Jati Gastropods, a class of mollusks, exhibit a remarkable adaptability, ranging...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
1 Apr 20221 menit membaca
Study of Correlation and Diversity of Gastropods at Mangrove Ecosystem in Payum Beach, Merauke
By Sendy Lely Merly, Alfonsia Lusi Nini This study pursued two primary objectives: firstly, to ascertain the diversity index, evenness,...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
1 Apr 20221 menit membaca
Diversity of Bivalvia in Estuarine of Suramadu Bridge of Surabaya
By Viola Atlanta, Reni Ambarwati, & Nova Mujiono The coastal vicinity surrounding the Suramadu Bridge serves as a pivotal area catering...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
3 Des 20211 menit membaca
Mercury Contenton Mangrove Roots and Telescopium telescopiumin Kao Bay, North Halmahera
By Mohammad Fauzan Jafar & Reni Tyas Asrining Pertiwi The utilization of mercury (Hg) in the gold extraction process, conducted by both...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
2 Des 20211 menit membaca
Radular Morphology of Thiarid from Raja Ampat
By Nur Rohmatin Isnaningsih The radula, a specialized feeding organ found in gastropods, is traditionally regarded as a stable and...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
2 Des 20211 menit membaca
Mud Clam’s (Anodentia edentula) Density and Distribution Pattern in Kalangan Mangrove
By Susi Mei, Sayu Natio Tarihoran, Arsanti, Rodhi Firmansyah, Dian Fitri M, Tengku Muhammad Ghazali, & Daniel Sinaga The extensive...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
5 Okt 20212 menit membaca
Mollusca’s Density and Distribution Pattern in Kalangan Mangrove Forest Ecosystem
By Sayu Natio Tarihoran, SusiMei, Arsanti, Rodhi Firmansyah, Dian Fitria M, Tengku Muhammad Ghazali, & Daniel Sinaga Shellfish, owing to...
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