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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
9 Mei 20232 menit membaca
Study Of The Morphological and Anatomical Character Of The Genus Cyclophorusin Indonesia
By Fatimah Novianti, Felicia Zahida, Wibowo Nugroho Jati1 & Ayu Savitri Nurinsiyah Cyclophorus represents one of the genera within the...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
9 Mei 20231 menit membaca
Macrozoobenthos Diversity at Mangrove Rehabilitation Area, Tangerang Regency
By Ai Solihat, Ario Damar1 & Fery Kurniawan The Tangerang Regency has persistently engaged in the restoration of its coastal ecosystems,...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
9 Mei 20232 menit membaca
Molluscs Attached To A Rocky Substrate In The Manado Mall Reclamation Area, Bahu, Manado
By Yulianti, N. Gustaf F. Mamangkey, Indri Shelovita Manembu1, Erly Y. Kaligis, Medy Ompi1, Suzanne Lydia Undap1 & Marten Maxs The...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
9 Mei 20231 menit membaca
Differences in shell morphology of the species Rochia nilotica and Rochia maxima
By Bunjamin Dharma & Delianis Pringgenies Rochia nilotica (Linnaeus, 1767), formerly recognized as Trochus niloticus Linnaeus, 1767, is...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
1 Apr 20221 menit membaca
Gastropods Diversity at Siklotok Waterfall and Silangit Waterfall, Purworejo Regency, Central Java
By Amelia Pergiwa, Felicia Zahida, A. Wibowo Nugroho Jati Gastropods, a class of mollusks, exhibit a remarkable adaptability, ranging...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
1 Apr 20221 menit membaca
Diversity of Bivalvia in Estuarine of Suramadu Bridge of Surabaya
By Viola Atlanta, Reni Ambarwati, & Nova Mujiono The coastal vicinity surrounding the Suramadu Bridge serves as a pivotal area catering...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
2 Des 20211 menit membaca
Radular Morphology of Thiarid from Raja Ampat
By Nur Rohmatin Isnaningsih The radula, a specialized feeding organ found in gastropods, is traditionally regarded as a stable and...
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