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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
21 Agu 20211 menit membaca
Gastropod Pests on Gracilaria cylindrica (Børgesen 1920) and Gracilaria errucosa (Greville, 1830)
By: Eddy Soekendarsi Using traditional methods, Gracilaria cylindrica and Gracilaria verrucosa are commonly cultivated in ponds located...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
21 Agu 20211 menit membaca
Recruitment Of The Box Mussel, Septifer bilocularisL.: Effects of Substratum and Adult Density
By: Medy Ompi A study was conducted on an intertidal population of Septifer bilocularis L. in Tongkeina, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Field...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
21 Agu 20211 menit membaca
Settlement Of Marine Boring Bivalve Larvae On Wood Soaked Horizontally And Vertically In West Java
By: Fredinan Yulianda Red meranti wood (Shorea leprosula) segments were submerged in both horizontal and vertical orientations in...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
21 Agu 20211 menit membaca
Littoraria scabra(Linnaeus, 1758)(Littorinidae: Prosobranchia) in The Mangrove of Bunaken Island, No
By: Farnis B. Boneka, LumingasL. J. L., Pratasik S.E. The bark of mangrove trees provides refuge for populations of Littoraria scabra,...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
21 Agu 20211 menit membaca
Survey of Snail And Slug Pests On Agricultural Land In Java (Gastropoda : Pulmonata)
By: Nova Mujino The investigation delves into the diversity of terrestrial gastropods serving as horticultural pests across Java. A...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
12 Mei 20211 menit membaca
Spesies Diversity and Abudance of Nudibranchia in Tulamben Waters, Bali
By: Marchel, Felicia Zahida & Ign. Pramana Yuda Nudibranchia, the largest order within Opisthobranchia, comprises approximately 3,000...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
12 Mei 20211 menit membaca
Identification of Molluscan Animal Image in Two-Dimensional Print Media
By: Nova Mujiono, Alfiah, Riena Prihandini & Pramono Hery Santoso Human fascination with mollusks dates back through the annals of time....
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
12 Mei 20212 menit membaca
Production and Biomass of Pokea Clam (Batissa violacea var. celebensis von Martens, 1897) in the Lan
By: Tri Abdul Rahman, Bahtiar & Dedy Oetama The Langkumbe River, situated in the West Kulisusu District, has served as a vital resource...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
12 Mei 20211 menit membaca
Reconstruction of Light Organ in Squid With The Histological Method of Electron Transmission Microsc
By: Delianis Pringgenies & Dafit Ariyanto The light organ, typically an artificial device capable of emitting light, contrasts with...
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Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia
12 Mei 20211 menit membaca
Ecomorphology of Ostrea edulis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Kuala Gigieng Waters, Aceh Besar District
By: Chitra Octavina, Fredinan Yulianda, Majariana Krisanti & Isdradjad Setyobudiandi Ostrea edulis, a prevalent species of meat oysters,...
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