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Molluscs Attached To A Rocky Substrate In The Manado Mall Reclamation Area, Bahu, Manado

Gambar penulis: Masyarakat Moluska IndonesiaMasyarakat Moluska Indonesia

Diperbarui: 20 Mar 2024

By Yulianti, N. Gustaf F. Mamangkey, Indri Shelovita Manembu1, Erly Y. Kaligis, Medy Ompi1, Suzanne Lydia Undap1 & Marten Maxs

The investigation into the presence of mollusks within the rocky substrates of the Manado Bay reclamation area necessitates comprehensive scrutiny. This study was carried out specifically within the Reclamation Area of Manado Mall, focusing on assessing the abundance, diversity, and size distribution of mollusks. The primary objective was to discern the abundance and diversity of mollusk species, alongside the size distribution of organisms affixed to the rocky substrates within the Reclamation Area of Manado Mall.

Data collection utilized a purposive sampling method, employing squares measuring 25 cm x 25 cm at three designated observation stations. Samples were preserved in 70% alcohol, appropriately labeled, and transported to the Laboratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences at Sam Ratulangi University for species identification and measurement of shell diameter.

The study identified a total of seven mollusk species comprising 374 individuals. Among these, attachment mollusks encompassed five species from the gastropod class and two species from the bivalve class. The highest mollusk density within the rocky substrate of the Reclamation Area of Manado Mall was recorded at Station 2, with a total density of 174.22 ind/m2 (relative density = 0.09%). Station 3 exhibited the highest diversity, with a Diversity Index (H’) of 0.21, indicating low diversity.

Regarding size distribution, the following ranges were observed for the identified mollusk species: Cellana radians (4 mm – 22 mm), Echinolittorina aspera (4 mm – 8.9 mm), Echinolittorina interrupta (4 mm - 9.9 mm), Echinolittorina lineolata (5.3 mm - 9.2 mm), Echinolittorina punctata (4 mm – 7.9 mm), Saccostrea cucullata (11.6 mm – 40.3 mm), and Isognomon ephippium (9.4 mm – 12.5 mm).



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